Faymonville Multimax mit Plane Titelbild

New in the delivery program of ES-GE

Faymonville MultiMAXwith tarpaulin

The Faymonville MultiMAX can surely be called a core product of the Faymonville brand. Whereby there is no such thing as “the one” MultiMAX. The model series now includes countless variants. The range of low-loaders with goosenecks extends from 2 to 10-axle vehicles, which – depending on the version – can be extended up to 50 m. Pendulum axles? Wheel recesses in the loading area? Hydraulic or self-steering? Sure. Faymonville builds. We deliver. Of course, not all variants can be combined on one vehicle, but vehicles from the MultiMAX series are without a doubt the perfect all-round product for construction sites and terrain.

Faymonville Multimax mit Plane Seitenansicht

MulitMAX with variable tarpaulin superstructure

The Faymonville MultiMAX with lifting platform and tarpaulin superstructure is new to the delivery program and therefore also part of our product portfolio. The basic model, equipped with a loading area that can be hydraulically raised behind the gooseneck over a length of approx. 3,000 mm, is now available with a highly variable superstructure. The roof of the tarpaulin superstructure can be slid forward on roof strap profiles. It can also be adjusted in height by approx. 400 mm. At the rear, a mechanical system allows the user, to widen the superstructure on both sides for 900 mm each. This makes loading of extra wide loads a lot easier. Raisable also means lowerable! When completely lowered, there is a is a level loading area with a length of approx. 9,200 mm behind the gooseneck.

Faymonville Multimax mit Plane

Perfect for forklifts and work platforms

Thanks to its equipment, the self-steering (last axle) semi-low loader is a perfect tool for the dry and clean transport of forklifts as well as lifting and working platforms under tarpaulin. The two-part hydraulic steel ramps at the rear ensure convenience and safety when loading. They are equipped with a serrated grating and a lacquered sand coating on the edges. The latter can also be found on the outer frame of the loading area. This provides additional grip. If necessary, the optionally available electric cable winch can assist. The remote-controlled winch is mounted in front of the neck and has a maximum pulling force of 5,400 kg. If the vehicle is equipped with a front wall, the approx. 9.5 mm thick and approx. 24 m long rope is passed through a cutout in it.

Faymonville Multimax mit Plane geschlossen

High quality standards

In addition to the practical solutions on the vehicle the robustness of the products is always at the top of the specifications – not only for Faymonville but also for us. From the chassis to the lamps, our long-standing supplier offers the usual high standard. The basis for the longevity of the steel construction made of high-strength fine-grained steels is laid in the in-house production. To prevent corrosion, visible surfaces are hot-finished with ZINACOR 850 (zinc 85% – aluminum 15%) after shot peening. After the final painting, a professional sealing with hot wax takes place. On request, defined parts of the construction or the entire chassis can be hot-finished.

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Mon-Fri: 08.00-17.00
Saturday by arrangement


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